For this project I would recommend to use non-waxed cords as they allow to make fine accurate knots that affect the finished work highly. You will need seed beads to decorate the flower and earrings studs (or findings of different type). The MC does not show how to make individual knots. It is aimed at those who knows the basics of macramé or micro-macrame. For knot descriptions look here:
Each earring consists of two parts – the smaller one and the bigger one. The bigger part is knotted with 14 ends (7 cords), the smaller one with 10 ends (5 cords). When using the above number of cord you get the flower about 3.5 cm wide. The number of cords is not obligatory but be sure to keep proportions during knotting.
I this MC I describe the process of knotting of the marked fragment. This fragment is made four times for each part (follow 1# to 2# in the description). Take seven cords, each one approx. 1 m long. Use one of them as mounting cord; mount the rest cords on the mounting cord as shown. Tighten the knots. 1# Take the left working end to the right, use it as anchor cord for the first row.Make double half hitch (DHH) knots with five threads; each thread add to the anchor cord forming an anchor bundle. The sixth cord: make the DHH knot and leave the cord outside the anchor bundle. The next three cords add to the bundle. The fourth cord: make the DHH; do not add to the bundle. Make DHH with the rest of the cords. Detach the right end of the anchor cord from the mounting row. Use it to knot DHH on the anchor bundle.Take one cord from the anchor bundle, use it to make DHH on the remaining cords of the anchor bundle; do not add this cord back to the anchor bundle. Use all the cords from the bundle one by one to make DHH on the remaining cords of the anchor bundle until just one cord remains.Now turn the remaining cord in the reverse direction. This is new anchor cord.With first six cords: make DHH and add the cord to the anchor cord forming the anchor bundle. The rest of the cords do not add to the anchor bundle after knotting the DHH. When come across the gap in cords in the previous row use the necessary number of cords from the anchor bundle of the running row (take the cord from the bundle, make DHH, leave the cord not adding it back to the bundle). Do not forget to use the cords left outside the anchor bundle in the previous row. Keep knotting until just one cord in the anchor is left.* Take the sixth cord from the right-hand side. Turn it to the right and use as a new anchor cord. Use all the working cords to the right from the anchor cord to make DHH on the anchor cord; each working cord add to the anchor cord forming the anchor bundle. Note: Now when all the working cords are in the bundle you can make this part of the petal a little bit longer. Take one cord from the bundle, make DHH on the remaining cords, and return this cord back to the bundle. Make two or three cords to make two or three DHHs. (Make a note how many additional knots you have made). Take cords from the anchor bundle one by one, knot DHH with every one, do not add them back to the bundle. Knot until just one anchor cord is left. Turn the last anchor cord in the reverse direction. Make DHHs with the nearest five working cords, adding them one by one to the anchor cord to form the anchor bundle. When all the cords are in the bundle (six altogether) make one or two additional DHHs with cords from the bundle in the same manner as at Note above. Make DHHs with each of the cords in the bundle, do not add the cords back to the bundle. Knot until just one anchor cord is left. Use the working cords from the previous row to knot DHHs on the anchor knot. Using a needle thread the anchor cord from the last but one row through the two previous rows. Make DHH with this cord on the anchor cord from the last row. * For the last part repeat knotting as from * to *. For the last row of the fragment take the last right-hand side cord, turn it to the left. With first four working cords make DHHs on the anchor cord, adding the working cords to the anchor cord making the anchor bundle.With the rest seven cords make DHHs on the anchor bundle of five cords, do not add them to the bundle.Using a needle thread the anchor cord from the last but one row between two previous rows and knot DHH with this cord on the anchor cord of the current row. Then knot DHHs with all the cords taking them one by one from the bundle, do not add them back to the bundle.When all the knots are done and just one anchor cord remains the row should be level approximately with the left end of the mounting cord from the mounting row. Take the left end of the mounting cord off the board and knot DHH on the last anchor cord. Mount the last anchor cord to the board. 2#. The fragment if finished. Begin the second fragment from 1#.For earrings make all four parts – two bigger ones and two smaller ones. Thread earrings studs through the bigger parts. Decorate the smaller parts with beads. Sew the parts together with invisible thread.