The Chain is knotted on two cords which change their roles alternatevely. Each cord will act as AC for one loop and as WC for the next loop. You always hold the left cord in your left hand and the right cord in your right hand.
Mount one cord on the AC with simple LH as shown in Lessons 1 and 2(1).
For the first loop the left cord will be the AC and the right one – the WC. Take the left cord with your left hand and pull it down. Holding the AC with your left hand under tension take the right cord with you right hand and make one loop as for vertical DHH going left to right (Lesson 4(1)).

Still holding and pulling down the left cord with your left hand tighten the loop with your right hand. While tightening, direct the WC slightly upwards, moving the loop closer to the mounting row.

For the next loop the cords change their roles. The left one will be the WC and the right one – the AC. Still holding the right cord with your right hand pull it down (AC). With your left hand make a loop with the left cord as for Vertical DHH going right to left (Lesson 4(2)). Holding the right cord under tension tighten the loop. While tightening, direct the WC slightly upwards, moving the loop closer to the previous one.

Again the cords change the roles. Now the left one is AC again and the right one is WC. Holding the AC with your left hand under tension take the right cord with you right hand and make one loop as for vertical DHH going left to right. Tighten the loop.

The roles are changed again. Now the right cord is the AC and is under tension. The left cord is the WC.

Go on knotting. Remember that the left hand always holds the left cord and the right hand holds the right cord. To make you chain look nicely try to tighten your knots evenly.